FMI - Fragrance Manufacturing Inc.
FMI stands for Fragrance Manufacturing Inc.
Here you will find, what does FMI stand for in Cosmetics under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Fragrance Manufacturing Inc.? Fragrance Manufacturing Inc. can be abbreviated as FMI What does FMI stand for? FMI stands for Fragrance Manufacturing Inc.. What does Fragrance Manufacturing Inc. mean?The United States based company is located in Allentown, Pennsylvania engaged in cosmetics industry.
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Alternative definitions of FMI
- Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland
- For More Information
- Franklin Multi- Income Trust
- Force Module Identifier
- Frequency Modulation Interference
- Kalemie, Congo
- Finnish Meteorological Institute
- Food Marketing Institute
View 108 other definitions of FMI on the main acronym page
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- FSTA Five Stone Tax Advisers
- FMGI Fairchild Media Group Inc.
- FDCPL Future Dimension Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
- FSB Frontier State Bank
- F33P Flight 33 Productions
- FOG Falcon Oil and Gas
- FLT Forest Lake Travel
- FUCCMS First United Church Community Ministry Society
- FMNH Forest Manor Nursing Home
- FNBG The First National Bank of Grayson
- FRV Front Row Ventures
- FMC The Financial Management Centre
- FAFC Ford Automotive Finance Company